Prayers for Pooches

Chaplain Laura Dejmek, O.P

Laura has been a member of PAWSitive Pet Therapy Troupe since 2007. She is a 2007 graduate of the Catholic Theological University where she received a Master of Divinity degree. Currently, she is studying for her Doctorate in Ministry in Preaching degree at the Chicago Theological Seminary. Laura is a member of the Order of Preachers (O.P.), commonly known as the “Dominicans.”

Laura is trained and available for:

  1. Prayer services, which include, but aren’t limited to:
    1. Naming ceremony for a new furry addition to your family
    2. Blessing as you begin service as a Pet Therapy Team
    3. Blessings for ill pet members, and human family members
    4. Blessings for an up-coming surgery (pet and/or human family members)
    5. St. Francis Pet Blessings
    6. End of life prayer service
    7. Service to honor a deceased furry family member
  2. Grief counseling - which can be face-to-face, by phone, or email
  3. Many other ministry activities - just ask!

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Send Laura an email request for prayers for your furry companion. Your prayer request will be confidential, unless you ask for prayers from the entire Troupe. Send Laura an email request for prayers for yourself or other people. Your prayer request will be confidential, unless you ask for prayers from the entire Troupe